Nuts & Bolts of Advocacy

Do you want to know who represents you and your voice locally and nationally? We have tools and more to help!

Who Represents Me?

There are some great tools to find out who represents you on the local level as well as on a Federal level.

If you’re in Minnesota, click here, and enter your full address to find your local and national representatives.

If you’re not in Minnesota, there are national websites that let you search by your address:

How Legislation Works

If you want to look for a specific bill, you can search by the bill number or by the bill topic.  State-specific bills can be tracked by going to the website of the legislature and looking for a bill tracking tool.  In Minnesota, the Legislature has a tool on their website for this purpose located here:

Federal bills can be tracked on a variety of websites, some of which are listed here:

You can also learn how a great idea becomes a law in Minnesota and Nationally: