When Your Child Becomes an Adult
As your child becomes an adult, they will need your continued guidance and support. Getting ready to go out in the world as a young adult is an exciting and overwhelming time. When the young person has a disability like FASD, it’s especially helpful to plan ahead for that transition.
Skill Building & Self-Awareness
Young adults with an FASD may face obstacles, but research shows that the development of self-determination skills will help them be successful in adulthood. Explore ways to help your child develop their skills in critical thinking, self-advocacy and self-awareness. Help them identify their unique interests, strengths and weaknesses. This foundation will help them as they transition to adulthood.
Academic Transition
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that you plan for your child’s transition to adulthood.
- Transition services are intended to prepare students to move from the world of school to the world of adulthood.
- Transition planning begins during high school at the latest. IDEA requires that transition planning starts by the time the student reaches age 16.
- Transition planning may start earlier (when the student is younger than 16) if the IEP team decides it would be appropriate to do so. o Transition planning takes place as part of developing the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).
- The IEP team (which includes the student and the parents) develops the transition plan.
- The student must be invited to any IEP meeting where postsecondary goals and transition services needed to reach those goals will be considered. o In transition planning, the IEP team considers areas such as postsecondary education or vocational training, employment, independent living, and community participation.
- Transition services must be a coordinated set of activities oriented toward producing results.
- Transition services are based on the student’s needs and must consider his or her preferences and interests.
Specific Domains of Adulthood
The specific domains of adulthood that need to be addressed during transition planning are:
- Postsecondary education
- Vocational education
- Integrated employment (including supported employment)
- Continuing and adult education
- Adult services
- Independent living
- Community participation