To prevent fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and to support all impacted throughout Minnesota and beyond
A world in which alcohol is not consumed during pregnancy and people living with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are identified, supported and valued
Origins of Proof
In 1998, the Minnesota Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (MOFAS) was formed. It operated for 20 vital years serving thousands of pregnant individuals, and those challenged with FASD. In 2018, Proof Alliance officially replaced MOFAS on the business card. We do this work by applying research-based best practices and fact-based education and outreach. We are expanding this vision to support families all across the United States.
While our mission and vision remain the same—“Proof Alliance” better serves the community going forward.
The PR%F
We now have the proof that prenatal alcohol exposure is a leading cause of brain injury in children. We have the proof that FASD is entirely preventable and people living with an FASD can reach their full potential.
The Alliance
We understand the multiplying power of collaboration and partnering. We ally ourselves alongside those with an FASD, their families, legislators, experts in the field, new partners and community members. This allows Proof Alliance to bring robust awareness, deep research, and targeted services to this field.