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2024 Community Grant

The Community Grant Program, administered by Proof Alliance, is made possible through the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). The overall goal of the Community Grant Program is to support Native communities in establishing community-driven FASD work that is sustained and embedded into the community.

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Application Process

Important Dates

Grant Application Due October 4, 2024, by 4:00 p.m. CST

Step 1: Review Request for Proposal

Review the Request for Proposal (PDF) to determine if this grant-funded project is appropriate for your organization. Word version can be found here.

Step 2: Submit a complete grant application

Applications must be submitted by October 4, 2024, at 4 p.m. CST, through the Proof Alliance grant application portal. Make sure to include all items listed in the proposal checklist, including required signatures.

Apply Here

Step 3: Review of grant applications

Proof Alliance will convene a review committee to review, score and select the grant recipients.

Step 4: Notification of recipients

The selection committee will evaluate applications and select 1-3 finalists based on the selection criteria. Selection criteria include:

  • Capacity to implement the program
  • Program design and evaluation
  • Lasting impact on FASD in the community

Proof Alliance will communicate its decision by email within four weeks of the application deadline. Finalists may be asked to provide additional information about your proposal, your organization or your financials. We expect that the contract can be executed, and the work can commence November 1, 2024.

We welcome your questions regarding the application process. Any questions can be sent to Brittenany Gillespie at