Party like a Mockstar!
Proof Alliance is dedicated to the prevention of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), and the only way to achieve this is with 100% alcohol-free pregnancies.
Show your support for loved ones who are making the choice to remain alcohol-free during their pregnancy.
4 Festive Ways to Show Support:
- Do a Dry Run: Run around to some of the local shops carrying alcohol-free drink options, like Marigold, and help them stock up on tasty sips.
- Find their Signature: Learn their flavor profile and help them find their ‘signature’ winter mocktail; there are lots of recipes at!
- Syrup it Up: Make homemade simple syrups for elevated mocktails at home. Give them as a gift, or make the syrups together.
- The Host with the Most: Prepare for visitors by keeping your own kitchen stocked with key mocktail ingredients like club soda and citrus fruits. Offering alcohol-free drink options will make every guest, including those who may be expecting, feel welcomed and supported.
"We all want babies to be born healthy and have the best start possible. Avoiding alcohol while pregnant or trying to become pregnant is the first and most important step in achieving that."
View sources
1 Gosdin LK, Deputy NP, Kim SY, Dang EP, Denny CH. Alcohol consumption and binge drinking during pregnancy among adults aged 18–49 years – United States, 2018–2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2022;71(1):10–13.
2 Proof Alliance. (2021, December 13). Drinking during pregnancy can cause FASD. Proof Alliance. Retrieved January 25, 2022, from
3 @MichaelSPollard, M. S. P. (2020, October 16). Alcohol consumption rises sharply during the pandemic; heavy drinking by women rises 41%. RAND Corporation. Retrieved January 25, 2022, from
4 Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health . (n.d.). Drinking while pregnant will lead to birth defects and lifelong issues. Retrieved January 25, 2022, from